Map Tracks Icelandic Saga Heroes

Trace the travels of the heroes of the Icelandic sagas - view the map.

Did you ever wish you could trace the travels of the heroes of the Icelandic sagas, and know precisely where each of them uttered an unforgettable sentence, or died a heroic death? Well, now you can. The Icelandic Saga Map has just been awarded the Utilization Award (Hagnýtingarverðlaun) at the University of Iceland, RÚV reports.

Iceland Review reports that the map is accessible to the public on the internet. On the right hand side of the screen, you can read any Icelandic Saga you like in Icelandic, and view a map of Iceland on the left hand side of the screen. Every farm or place name mentioned in the sagas has a link, which, if pressed, points to the exact location on the map. All instructions are in English.
View the map here.