Turistboom til Island

For første gang i Islands historie betyr tjenesteeksport med for landets økonomi enn eksport av varer, og det er reiselivet som er pilaren, melder Iceland Review:

Director of the Icelandic Tourist Board Ólöf Ýrr Atladóttir stated that while tourism is the biggest contributor to economic growth in Iceland at the moment, the tourist industry will not be able to cope with continued increase in number of tourists of the same magnitude.

“It has been reported before that tourism is sustaining economic growth, which is of course the clearest indication of how important the industry has become and that it must be tended to so that it can remain important in the future,” Ólöf reasoned.

The number of tourists coming to Iceland has increased vastly in the past years, among other reasons due to the attention the country received after the volcanic eruptions in 2010 and 2011, devaluation of the Icelandic króna and increase in flights.

