Pan-Arctic Vision 2024 in Greenland: Seeking Arctic Artists To This Fall's Big Stage in Nuuk

PanArcticVision byr på en scene for arktisk musikk og fellesskap, maktkritikk, glitter og reinhorn. I rampelyset her er alle artistene som var med på arrangementets første utgave i Vadsø, Nord-Norge, høsten 2023. Da ble Grønland stemt fram av publikum som vertskap for årets arktiske festivitas. (Foto: Knut Åserud).

Pan-ArcticVision offers a stage for Arctic music and community, critique of power, glitter, and reindeer horns. Here, in the spotlight, are all the artists who were part of the event's first edition in Vadsø, a Norwegian coastal town located 70 degrees North, in the fall of 2023. The audience then voted Greenland as the host of this year's Arctic festivities. (Photo: Knut Åserud)

This year's Pan-ArcticVision will take place in Greenland in October – and calls for contributions from Arctic artists with northern tones and words to express. This is an adventurous opportunity to form border-crossing bonds, share music, and strike a blow for the power of definition in the circumpolar north, the organizers tempt.

Norsk versjon.

A brand new and distinctive event for Arctic music and community. A Eurovision Song Contest for the circumpolar North. With a northern power analysis as its origin and foundation.

That is how Pan-ArcticVision was introduced in 2023, with Vadsø in Eastern Finnmark, Northern Norway, as its first location.

This year's edition is now in the works – and Arctic artists are encouraged to sign up for the show taking place this fall in Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat). The deadline for registration is Wednesday, May 15th. 

Amund Sjølie Sveen, kunstnerisk leder og vert for PanArcticVision, samt politisk og kunstnerisk leder i Nordting. (Foto: Pan-ArcticVision/Knut Åserud)

Amund Sjølie Sveen, Artistic Director and host of PanArcticVision, as well as Political and Artistic Leader of Nordting. (Photo: Pan-ArcticVision/Knut Åserud)

"If your goal is fortune and fame and a golden first prize, you should maybe look elsewhere," says Amund Sjølie Sveen, Director of Pan-ArcticVision, as well as artistic and political director of Nordting. 

"But if you are up for a new adventure, if you want to build Pan-Arctic community, meet new friends and colleagues; if you want to challenge the understanding of the Arctic, if you want to share your music and bring power, pride, and independence to the North – then the Pan-ArcticVision is perfect for you!"

Pan-ArcticVision is owned and organized by Nordting, an artistic people's assembly in the North. Together with local partners, they are looking for participants from the following places: 

  • Alaska, USA
  • Yukon, Northern Canada
  • Nunavut, Northern Canada
  • Greenland
  • Iceland
  • The Faroe Islands
  • Northern Norway/the Norwegian side of Sápmi
  • Northern Sweden/the Swedish side of Sápmi
  • Northern Finland
  • Northern Russia (exile artists)

Pan-ArcticVision 2024

• Takes place October 12th in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland.

• Will gather 10 artists from 10 places in the Arctic.

• The slogan is "Song, community, and independence!".

• The show will be live-streamed with a full TV production.

• Organized by Nordting in collaboration with Katuaq – Greenland Cultural Center and the Greenlandic broadcaster KNR, as well as other international partners.

• Nordting is, by its own description, "a nomadic people's parliament of the North, a party for the periphery, a separatist movement for the Arctic colony."


Pan-Arctic Vision welcomes contributions within the following framework:

"The work of music could be a song, tune, rap, chant, composition – whatever can be performed live on stage by yourself (and possibly some more people). Time limit is approximately 4 minutes," writes the organizers and continues:

"Even if this event is named Pan-ArcticVision, we are not looking for your typical «Eurovision song»: The Pan-ArcticVision is about the local cultures of the Arctic, how they are similar, and how they are different. We want local languages, local musical cultures, and local fusions of styles (no English for those who are not native English speakers)."

"We want lyrics concerning local and northern issues and feel free to include political topics. We are looking for professional contributions, but there are no limitations on style, age, orientation, or worldview – and the avant-garde is, of course, welcome! Please surprise us!"

Read more about registration at Pan-Arctic Vision's website.

The winners of last year's edition

• The place in the Arctic that really needs a price and deserves to host the next edition of the Pan-ArcticVision: Greenland

• Most Arctic song: "Takutillara", Nuija - Nuuk, Greenland

• Most revolutionary song: "Skansen", Sköll – Båtsfjord, Northern Norway

• The song that gives the strongest sense of community and togetherness: "Blátt myrkur", Guðrið Hansdóttir – Velbastaður, Faroe Islands

“It is enormously cool and great to be allowed to represent Greenland. We don't celebrate the victory itself so much because the most important thing is that it has been a great experience; we have met many new people and made new connections and friendships”, said Nick Ørbæk, composer, guitarist and vocalist in Nuija, to Sermitsiaq.

Pan-ArcticVision's international partners:

  • Varangerfestivalen – Vadsø, Northern Norway
  • Anchorage Museum – Alaska, USA
  • Yukon Arts Centre – Yukon, Northern Canada
  • Music Yukon – Yukon, Northern Canada
  • Alianait – Nunavut, Northern Canada
  • Katuaq – Nuuk, Greenland
  • The Nordic House (Norðurlandahúsið) – Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
  • Silence festival Lapland (Hiljaisuus-festivali) – Kaukonen, Northern Finland/Sápmi
  • Bdpop – Luleå, Northern Sweden/Sápmi
  • Artlab Davvi, Northern Norway/Sápmi
  • Pikene på Broen – Kirkenes, Northern Norway (Russian exile contact)
  • A partner in Iceland is to be confirmed.
  • The project is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council and others.

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