She believes that the public as well as the private sector play an important role in Arctic issues, though she wants this role to be strengthened and gain more prominence.
- The agreement we signed yesterday is an important step towards giving 13 cities a voice in issues affecting us, she says and says in closing:
- Nothing about us, without us.
Security is more than defense
Madeleine Redfern, Mayor of Iqaluit, Canada wants local authorities to be included in both national and international fora.
- Through sharing our experiences, we bring our realities onto the international stage. Realities such as e.g. the fact that less permafrost makes the pillars on which our houses are built smolder, which will cost billions of dollars.
Redferd also argues that the concept of security should be expanded to cover more than just defense.
- Security for us is about having enough food, education opportunities, stability and good health, she says.
She hopes that the new mayors’ forum will be about more than just exchange of experiences and networking.
- We have to make sure that what happens “on the ground” is heard up where decisions are made. And that those “up there” never forget who we are and what our role is in the development of sustainable communities.
Must be on the same arena
Kristin Røymo, Mayor of Tromsø, Norway appreciates that the tone and discussions amongst Arctic mayors are characterized by understanding and trust in issues important for both people and the nature. Unlike the tone of the international debate.
- It is not just about survival, it is about the quality of life and security for people who live under the same conditions as yourself, she says.