Fourth Straight Year of Population Decline in Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska.

From April 2010 to 2016, the population in Alaska increased from approximately 710,000 people to over 740, 000 in 2016. (Photo: Paxson Woelber/Wikimedia Commons)

Last year, Alaska's population decreased by over 3,800 people. This was the fourth straight year of decline for the state’s population.

According to population estimates released Thursday by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Alaska's population dropped by 3, 831 people, or 0.5 percent, from July 2019 to July 2020. 

This was the fourth straight year of decline for the state’s population. As of July, Alaska's population was at 728,903 people, which is down from 740,637 in 2016. 

In terms of net migration, almost 9,000 more people left the state than people moved in. Alaska has lost more movers than it’s gained every year since 2013, the press release states. 

Furthermore, while Alaska’s population groups under-18 and 18-to-64-year-olds each declined one percent, the 65-and-older group grew by four percent. 

Counts from the 2020 Census have not been released yet. 

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