Newsletter Defense Settlement, Rhetoric, and Restrictions

Hensynet til tilstedeværelse, beredskap, lokal forankring, rekruttering og redusert fravær taler tydelig for å øke Forsvarets utdanningskapasitet i Nord-Norge, mener partiene på Stortinget. Nå har tinget bedt regjeringen utrede hvordan flere kan få ta militær utdanning i nord. (Illustrasjonsfoto: Aleksander Ramsland/Forsvaret)

The consideration of presence, preparedness, local anchoring, recruitment and reduced absenteeism clearly speaks for increasing the Armed Forces' educational capacity in Northern Norway, the parties in the Storting believe. (Photo: Aleksander Ramsland/The Norweigan Armed Forces)

Dear reader. Language is power, writes Arne O. Holm in this week's commentary. We cover the historical Norwegian defense settlement, the Svalbard white paper, and the latest sanctions against Russia, among other things. Here is the week that passed in the North.

Les på norsk

First to Svalbard, where, for the first time, a shipping company was fined for sailing with heavy fuel oil on board within the territorial waters around Svalbard. 

And in the defense sector, we see a clear view northward in a historically broad Norwegian defense settlement. (Norwegian only) 

As part of the defense settlement, the Norwegian parliament is asking the government to investigate how increased military educational capacity is to be established in Northern Norway. (Norwegian only) 

Editor and Commentator in High North News Arne O. Holm is puzzled by the defense minister's choice of words regarding the government's million-dollar agreement on tanks. 

"Language is power," Holm reminds us in this week's commentary. 

Next week, the Norwegian PM welcomes Finland's president and Sweden's PM in Northern Norway, and High North News will be present.  

"The new security policy situation has strengthened the need to discuss security matters, also in Arctic cooperation," believes a researcher. (Norwegian only) 

Politics and sanctions 

Recently, the new Svalbard white paper was presented, and the tourism industry in Longyearbyen is relieved that the first impression is primarily positive. (Norwegian only) 

Despite economic sanctions, Russia continues to send nearly all of its liquefied natural gas and gas condensate production from the Russian Arctic to Europe. 

Meanwhile, The U.S. continues its systematic effort to degrade Russia’s future energy revenues. 

Cooperation, art, and mining 

The Arctic Congress in Northern Norway was the start of a collaborative project particularly concerned with the future of the young people in the North. (Norwegian only) 

And join us in beautiful Kjerringøy, where Arne O. Holm and I met artist Karl Erik Harr (84), exhibiting paintings from the Arctic in a unique exhibition. (Norwegian only) 

Also, read about the mining company that has signed an agreement to acquire a controlling interest in one of the world's largest known rare earth deposits. 

Follow us next week for more news about the Svalbard white paper, mining, space travel, and more. 

On behalf of the editorial staff, I wish you a great weekend,

Best regards, Editor-in-Chief Trine Jonassen
