Barents Press International Stops all Cooperation With Russia

The leader of Barents Press Norway, Amund Trellevik during a networking meeting in Finland earlier this year, where Russian journalists also participated. Now this collaboration is over. (Photo: Arne O. Holm)
The situation in Russia has destroyed all possibilities for safe and open cooperation between Nordic members of Barents Press and their Russian colleagues, reports Barents Press International.
Today, Barents Press International released a statement announcing that all cooperation with Russia is over.
"The current situation has drastically changed the possibilities for safe and open cooperation between Nordic members of Barents Press and their Russian colleagues", the press network says.
The board of Barents Press International has therefore unanimously decided that Barents Press Russia is put on hold. The organization will not be operating from January 1st, 2023.
The board states that Barents Press Finland, Norway, and Sweden will continue its work for media cooperation, journalists' working conditions, and cross-border journalism.
Barents Press International is a network for journalists and editors in the Barents region in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The network was founded after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union at the start of the 1990s.
Barents Press Norway works for increased knowledge of the region, freedom of press and expression, development of democracy, good working conditions, and increased contact with colleagues across national borders.