Newsletter: An Arctic Balancing Act

Belokamenka yard March 19

Image showing GBS 2 on the right with TMS-003/004 on the far left. (Source: Belokamenka VK)

Dear reader. Andøya Air Station in Northern Norway is given new life and is once again significant in the Norwegian defense. The latest fishing quota white paper is blamed for poor winter fisheries, and Russia has to put its gas production on hold. This and more in the week that passed in the North.

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Life in the North is a balancing act in which sustainability, industry, business, and, not least, people must live side by side with increased defense, security, and climate change. 

We don't speak very loudly about it because it's just the way things are. This newsletter includes several examples of our region's versatility. 

But first, joyous news from the editorial staff. Starting this week, Translator Birgitte Annie Martinussen will also work as HNN's science journalist. 

Feel free to send her an e-mail if you want your research conveyed, have any tips, or want to publish an op-ed. 

Fisheries and defense 

The Lofoten fisheries have been weak this year. The reduced cod quota can largely explain the decreased activity (Norwegian only). 

During a press conference in Andøya in Northern Norway, the Norwegian Government announced a new million-dollar investment in long-range drones for sea surveillance in the High North. 

A few days later, the same government's entire proposal for a new long-term plan for the Norwegian Armed Forces was launched. High North News gives you an overview of the main measures in the plan.

Sanctions and climate

In this week's commentary, Editor Arne. O Holm writes about the High North diet, packed with greenwashed castles in the air: 

"In the long term, it turns out that the menu for mayors and councils across the North is not very sustainable, to use a term still dominating the language of those who market castles in the air." 

Russia continues to assemble the next production line for Arctic LNG 2. Still, it shutters the facility's natural gas liquefaction due to a lack of ice-capable LNG carriers. 

In a significant step to protect Arctic and sub-Arctic waters from harmful emissions, the International Maritime Organization has established two new Emission Control Areas. 

Culture and industry 

The Davvi Center for Performing Arts has been allocated NOK 6 million to build the world's largest lavvu, which will serve as an arena for itinerant shows in Northern Norway. 

The Northern Swedish industry is thriving, and we kicked off the week by sharing that the global steel company SSAB has decided to build a new fossil-free steel mill in Luleå. 

Read about this and more at High North News. Feel free to share the newsletter with other interested parties.

The largest annual Arctic policy conference commences in North America on April 10th. The undersigned is present together with Arne O. Holm, so stay tuned for news from the US Arctic.  

Wishing you all the best for the weekend on behalf of the editorial staff, 

Trine Jonassen, Editor-in-Chief
