Newsletter: War Profits and a Weak Total Defense

Healy i Tromsø, Schallip og Armstrong

USCGC Healy's commanding officer, Captain Michele Schallip and executive officer, Commander Captain Patrick Armstrong, with Tromsø fjord in the Norwegian Arctic in the background. (Photo: Astri Edvardsen)

Dear reader. Norway has largely replaced Russia as gas supplier, while Russia is further strengthening its cooperation with the East. And the total defense in the north is too weak, believes Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm. Allied warships are lining up in Tromsø, and we have been aboard the US' largest icebreaker. Here is the week as seen from the north.

Norsk versjon

The Nordland Chief of Police warns against threats from Russia and asks the business sector in the north to wake up. That may be appropriate, says Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm. 

“But if the business sector is asleep, they share a bed with the authorities, public institutions, and local politicians,” writes Holm in this week’s commentary. 

If the total preparedness in the north is flawed, paradoxically, there is no shortage of military activity. 

The US' largest and most technologically advanced Coast Guard vessel, the USCGC Healy icebreaker, has visited Tromsø, and HNN's journalist Astri Edvardsen was aboard while the icebreaker was docked (Norwegian only). 

Also, the American submarine USS Washington docked in the Tromsø port on Monday, shortly after the USS Florida and Norwegian KNM Uthaug co-trained with air forces from both countries in the Vestfjord in Northern Norway (Norwegian only)

And Norwegian and Russian military executives met in Finnmark to discuss challenges and agree on necessary joint measures.

Russia and fishery 

Norway has now fully adopted Russia's role as Germany's largest gas supplier, and Russia continues to look toward the East for partnerships. 

Recently, India and Russia met in Vladivostok to further discuss a deepening of cooperation in Arctic shipping and related economic activity. 

Significantly smaller catches are recorded from Russian trawlers fishing in the Norwegian economic zone in the Barents Sea. 

Another potential development – and worry – is that Chinese fishing vessels could find their way to the rich Arctic Ocean (Norwegian only). 

Read about this and more at High North News. Feel free to follow us on social media, where you can participate in the discussion about the High North. 

Wishing you all the best for the weekend on behalf of the editorial staff,

Trine Jonassen, News Editor
