Increased Chinese Interest in Svalbard

The Chinese research station in Ny Ålesund in Svalbard. (Photo: Sphinx Public Domain)
The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) has registered an increased interest in Svalbard by China.
The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) has registered an increased Chinese interest in Svalbard.
That is reported by Svalbardposten.
In its national threat assessment for 2024, the PST wrote that Chinese students and researchers operate in Svalbard. That is to normalize Chinese activity and facilitate intelligence work, according to the report.
Many Chinese tourists have visited Longyearbyen this summer, and some have behaved in a way that has raised suspicion of whether they have been mapping buildings and infrastructure.
In the past years, there have also been several Chinese attempts to buy Norwegian properties, such as housing, cabins, and commercial property. China also wants to build a laser station in Adventdalen.
Some of this has been open and publicly known.
Russian cooperation
"There have been several attempts to buy in the past years, although we do not have exact statistics," says Special Advisor Jon Fitje Hoffmann with the Governor of Svalbard to Svalbardposten.
"Some of it has been open and publicly known, while others have been brought to our attention through various contacts," he says.
Last week, High North News reported on the visit by a Chinese research delegation to Russia's science center in Barentsburg, the aim of which was to discuss expanded research cooperation in the Arctic. China recently completed its third icebreaker, and more will likely be constructed.
Last year, they placed several acoustic listening buoys in the North Sea. China also conducts significant research activity in Ny-Ålesund.