Horn and Ousland to be Lifted Out

Polar explorers Børge Ousland and Mike Horn will be lifted out from the ice north of Svalbard, according to Norwegian broadcaster NRK.

This is due to unsafe ice conditions.

The former research vessel ‘Lance’ is currently at bay in Tromsø and will head north Tuesday morning. Mike Horn’s sailboat ‘Pangea’ will also go north from Svalbard. The original plan was for the ‘Pangea’ to meet the two explorers at the edge of the ice once they had crossed the Polar ice cap.

Norwegian polar explorers Aleksander Gamme, Bengt Rotmo and Knut Espen Solberg will be onboard the ‘Lance’ and ready to assist Horn and Ousland if and when need be. They can if necessary meet them on the ice and bring extra food and rations to the two.

Horn and Ousland have food supplies to last them until 5 December.