Successful Solar Energy Project in Rural Greenland

A new energy project in the Ikerasaarsuk village in Greenland, combining solar cell energy with more traditional energy production has proven highly successful, according to Sermitsiaq.

Once 90 percent of the solar cell battery bank is filled up, the diesel oil engines shut off and the solar cell energy takes over the power supply for the entire village. When battery capacity has dropped to less than 30 percent, the engines start running again.

The diesel oil consumption has dropped from 6,810 liters in April 2020 to 4,921 liters in April 2021. The local population is also very happy that its power supply is completely sound-free while solar cell energy is in operation.

Since 1993, Greenland has been partially self-supplied with energy, however, it is still dependent on diesel import despite increased energy production on the island.