Store Norske Signs NOK 70 Million Agreement with AF Decom AS

Jan Morten Ertsaas

AF Decom AS will immediately start planning and mobilizing. Activities are scheduled to commence in March 2021, and to be completed by December 2021. (Ertsaas Photo: Line Lagell Ylvisåker)

On Friday 15 January, Store Norske signed an agreement with AF Decom AS regarding demolishing of buildings in the Svea industrial camp in Svalbard. The agreement is worth NOK 70 million, options included.

The Norwegian government has previously decided to liquidate mining in Svea and Lunckefjell, and to restore these Svalbard mining communities to nature. Store Norske, the mining company, is currently in phase two of its Svea and Lunckefjell environmental project. Now, housing in Svea is to be removed.

Skjermbilde fra møtet mellom Store Norske og AF Decom AS. (Skjermdump: Store Norske)

Screenshot from the meeting between Store Norske and AF Decom. (Screenshot: Store Norske)

“Today, we have entered into an agreement with AF Decom AS regarding Phase 2B of the project. The company is now to start the extensive and demanding job of removing all houses in Svea. At its peak, more than 400 people lived and worked here. Svea has been a self-sufficient society with more than 300 beds, office buildings, power station, quay, airport, storage, and workshops. We are very pleased to have an experienced and competent demolition entrepreneur on board in this phase of the project”, says Jan Morten Ertsaas, CEO of Store Norske Spitsbergen Kullkompani, the local mining company and estate manager.


This article was originally published in Norwegian and has been translated by HNN's Elisabeth Bergquist.
