Newsletter: New Year, New Possibilities

The Blanket, TIFF (eng.)

From the Tiff Film Festival: Survival in times of war is the framework for the Finnish film The Blanket (Lakana). Ten-year-old Marja is sent out for milk for her little brother – and the journey involves crossing a large ice-covered lake. However, she encounters something much more dangerous than thin ice. (Director: Teppo Airaksinen)

Dear reader; we kick off the new year with a film festival, stockfish, and green investments. However, we also continue to see the ripple effects of the Ukraine War, almost one year after it began.

This year of news is well underway and many exciting things are coming in 2023, such as features, High North Tour, and more. So stay tuned! 

We start with this year's first commentary from Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm, who takes a look at the difficult life of Norway's richest: 

“It is hard to be rich in Norway today. Very hard. Or as one of our richest described it on national TV the other day: We have become a pariah caste. We are being bullied.» 

This is a good perspective to take with you into the weekend. 

Another good start is the vibrant international film festivities in the city of Tromsø, Northern Norway, that will display the entire Arctic region on the big screen in January. 

We have got wind of something happening in Greenland. 

A new wind power investment in Greenland will secure the production of green ammonia. 

The ripple effects of the war 

Russia continues modernizing and expanding its fleet of powerful nuclear icebreakers in an effort to realize year-round shipping along the Northern Sea Route, while the energy ties between Russia and China continue to expand.  

At the same time, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to ripple through the global energy sector. 

The relationship with Russia 

Russia was also the topic during Finnish President Sauli Niinostö´s NY speech, where he draws lines from the Winter War in Finland to the war in Ukraine. 

And in case you missed it; 

Here are the 10 most popular stories of 2022 – a turbulent year in so many ways. 

We hope you continue to follow us into 2023. Feel free to share the newsletter with other interested parties.

Wishing you a good weekend on behalf of the editorial staff, 

Trine Jonassen, News Editor

This newsletter was translated by Birgitte Annie Molid Martinussen.
