Greenland Establishes Corona Crisis Management Committe, Introduces Mandatory Quarantine

Nuuk at present has the only corona positive patient in Greenland. Photo: Piefight/


Greenland’s Premier Kim Kielsen yesterday announced that Greenland now introduces a mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone entering the country, lest their entry serves special purposes.

- Particular groups holding key functions will be exempt from quarantine, says Chief Physician Henrik L. Hansen to Sermitsiaq. He explains to the paper that these groups will have exemptions from the quarantine regulations once they have been sufficially instructed in how to act.

Greenland has also established a corona crisis management committee, which is to be supported by a inter-sectorial secretariat. The purpose is to be able to make decisions faster than before, according to Police Chief Bjørn Tegner Bay.

The Crisis Management Committee (CMC) consists of heads of ministerial departments, a municipal director representing all municipalities, a representative from the health authorities as well as the Chief Police Inspector and the Police Chief.

The CMC will be supported by a newly established corona secretariat, headed by a police officer and staffed by workers from various public offices.

Chief Physician Henrik L. Hansen says to Sermitsiaq that it is important to keep in mind that Greenland has only once occurence of positive corona infection so far. He argues that closing down schools and kindergartens would currently be a too strong measure, however, he does not exclude the possibility that it might prove necessary at a later stage.
