First Cargo From Yamal LNG Project Arrives at Indian Port of Dabhol

The cargo was delivered by Gazprom under a long-term contract with the Indian company GAIL. Pictured is Gazprom's LNG carrier Marshal Vasilevsky. (Photo: Gazprom)
The first batch of liquefied natural gas from Novateks's Yamal LNG plant was delivered to the Indian port of Dabhol last weekend.
The LNG carrier departed from the port of Sabetta and made the voyage along the Northern Sea Route.
The cargo was supplied by Russian gas company Gazprom under its long-term LNG sales deal with GAIL Ltd, an industry source said, according to Reuters.
The cargo was on board the Marshal Vasilevsky, which sailed through the Northern Sea Route, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean before arriving at GAIL’s Dabhol terminal over the weekend, the ship-tracking data showed.