Entrenched Mining Conflicts in North Bothnia, County Governor must Go

Several of Sweden’s largest mines and mining companies are located in North Bothnia. In later years, conflict lines between mining companies and county authorities have sharpened, according to SVT.

“County authorities have grown increasingly narrow-minded and voice special interests”, argues Chairman of the Board of Swedish mining company Beowulf Sven Otto Littorin, a former government minister.

David Bergård from the county authorities says the tone from the mining companies has hardened in recent years. “They have recently fixated on individuals and run campaigns against individual o”ficers", he says.

Johan Antti, who has worked as County Governor for the past 13 years has often been the one to voice decisions in the public. It has been about mining companies being denied licenses or being reported to the police for suspected violations of environmental laws.

Last October, news came from the Swedish Ministry of Finance, which appoints County Governors, that Antti would not have his contract renewed. He has to leave office on 1 February 2022.

The government has not offered any explanation.