Danish Intelligence: Beware of China

Danish intelligence services warns Greenland against letting China in on the construction of new airports.
Investments are good and well, however, one should be careful not to end up in an unhealthy dependency relationship with a party much stronger than oneself, warms the head of the Danish intelligence services, Lars Findsen, according to Greenland’s KNR broadcaster.
KNR quotes an article in the Danish daily Altinget.dk [paywall], which brings an interview with the intelligence chief.
Chinese CCCC is qualified
There have been prolonged discussions between Greenland and Denmark regarding the Greenlandic plans about constructing three new airports, and in particular about who is to build them.
The China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) is one out of six companies that are pre-qualified to submit tenders, a fact that has made Danish authorities react.
Foreign and security policy is one of the areas still subject to the Danish government, and the question is whether or not the construction of new airports is a domestic issue for Greenlands self-rule authorities or not.
Always China’s interest
The strong warnings now heeded from the Danish head of intelligence intensifies the oppositions in the debate.
Intelligence chief Lars Findsen stresses that when it comes to China, there is no separating private and commercial interests from those of the state.
- Chinese enterprises always focus on what is in the interest of China as a state, Findsen says, according to Alltinget.dk.
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