Competition to Counter Covid-19 Effects

NORA Advisor Øystein Andresen invites to the North Atlantic Corona Challenge. Photo: NORA

Innovative and creative young people in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Scotland and Norway are invited to participate in a 48-hour virtual competition called the “North Atlantic Corona Challenge” from 29-31 May.

The North Atlantic Corona Challenge is a team competition in which the task is to design, test and implement innovative ideas that may save lives, societies or economies both during and after the Corona pandemic in the North Atlantic region

Nord-Atlanteren. Illustrasjon: NORA

The North Atlantic. Illustration: NORA

The goal of the competition is to bring out ideas and solutions that address the most pressing challenges imposed by the Corona crisis, such as e.g. fighting loneliness or making Covid-19 testing of people in rural areas simpler.

The competition takes place online throughout the weekend 29-31 May.

The three best proposals across the themes will be awarded up to DKK 30,000.

The competition is organized by the Nordic Atlantic cooperation (NORA) as well as the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in Scotland. Together they work to support transnational cooperation across the ocean in the North Atlantic.

NORA Advisor Øystein Andresen says: “The North Atlantic Corona Challlenge is a good way through which to bring out the best of our youth. The sparsely populated areas in the North Atlantic are not exempt from the crisis we are in, although the number of infections is relatively modest. We want to inspire the young generation to cooperate to fight the pandemic and its consequences.

Kateryna McKinnon, European Manager at HIE says:

“Since the outbreak of the pandemic, many such virtual competitions have taken place in Europe and have resulted in exciting innovations. This competition is made for the rural North Atlantic and will focus on the preconditions of our region. This is a solid opportunity to bring out ideas and proto type solutions that may be developed further to commercial products, and also to save lives. We look forward to our young wise heads in this region getting together digitally and using their expertise to make ideas become something that can make a difference in the current pandemic.”


This article was originally published in Norwegian and has been translated by HNN's Elisabeth Bergquist.
