Canadian project trains indigenous researchers

Inuit hunter feeds his child with still warm meat from just hunted ring seal near Pond Inlet, Nunavut, Canada. (Photo: Peter Prokosch, GRID Arendal)
In the Canadian provinces of Nunavut and Prince Edward Island, scientists and local Inuit cooperate to conduct a new research study.

In the Canadian provinces of Nunavut and Prince Edward Island, scientists and local Inuit cooperate to conduct a new research study.

According to the CBC, local Inuit hunters will harvest blood and tissue samples from ringed seals in the Baffin region as part of a research project analyzing contaminants and pathogens. Once the results are clear, the researchers will return to Nunavut and explain the results to local residents.

The Inuit’s being eyes and ears on the ground in Nunavut will be vital for conducting successful monitoring efforts, according to the scientists. 
The project was recently awarded $ 75,000 for 1.5 years of research.
