Bodø, Norway, to host the 2018 ISOCARP World Congress?

Bodø with its 'New City - New Airport' project may end up hosting the 2018 ISOCARP World Congress. (Photo: Elisabeth Bergquist)
Bodø, county capital of Nordland County, Norway, may end up hosting the 2018 ISOCARP World Congress.
Yesterday, President of Nordland County Government Thomas Norvoll (Labor) and Bodø’s Mayor Ida Pinnerød (Labor) hosted Secretary-General Didier Vancutsem and Vice President Martin Dubbeling of ISOCARP, the International Society of City and Regional Planners.
The two ISOCARP leaders were in Bodø as part of a group of international experts from all over the world who are in Bodø this week to contribute to Bodø’s ‘New City – New Airport’ project.
This year, the annual ISOCARP World Congress takes place in Portland, Oregon (USA). Next year, it might take place in Bodø, Norway. The conference draws 400-500 attendees from all over the world.
The Arctic aspect and climate changes are two of the factors favoring Bodø as the location for the 2018 congress. The new airport project also appears to intrigue the city planners, according to the local daily Avisa Nordland (Norwegian only).
Both Norvoll and Pinnerød were invited to this year’s congress in Portland.