Tenk mindre, sier president

Tenk mindre, var rådet Islands president ga verdens ledere under en energikonferanse i FN forleden. Iceland review skriver: 

 Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland, has told a conference he encourages the world to change its way of thinking on energy matters. There are already technologies available in the fields of geothermal, solar and wind energy which work on smaller scales than are currently in widespread use, he said. These could allow individual homes, villages, towns or regions to become energy independent.

Every home could one day become its own power station, the Icelandic president has told the SE4ALL (Sustanable Energy For All) conference, held on 4-6 June. The conference took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York and was attended by world leaders, scientists and energy company bosses.
