Alaska mangler arbeidskraft

Anchorage har jobbene, men hvor er de som vil jobbe, spør TV-kanalen KTVA.

På sine nettsider skriver nyhetstjenesten:

The Anchorage job market is a tight one and economists say it’s likely to get even tighter. As more jobs become available there may not be enough people to fill them. One reason, according to state labor economist Neal Fried, is that fewer people are moving to Alaska to find work.

“For example, in 2010 there were two states in the country who could say they had more jobs than they’d ever had in their existence, and Alaska was one, the other was North Dakota. Now, there are 15 states that can say that and that number is slowly growing,” said Fried.

For the first time in a long time, more people left Alaska than moved here. New births pushed the total population up but they didn’t factor into the work force. The unemployment rate is at 5%, also lower than it’s been in years.
