Får gratis nordlyspenger

Natt til i dag fikk islendingene over 10 millioner "aurocoins" gratis - i det initiativtakerne håper skal bli en finansiell revolusjon.

Den nye myntenheten er oppkalt etter nordlyset (aurora borealis). Hver av Islands 320.000 innbyggere har mottatt en mulighet til å få 31,8 aurocoins. 

  International Business Times skriver:

Speaking to IBTimes UK ahead of the Airdrop, Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson, the developer behind auroracoin, revealed a deep-seated distrust of the government and bankers in his country following the financial collapse which began in 2008, is what led to the creation of an Icelandic cryptocurrency:Sommer2014


"The Icelandic government and banking system has engaged in frantic money printing in the past, resulting in devaluation of the krona. This has happened at the expense of the common man."

Óðinsson believes government capital restrictions imposed following the collapse of its banking sector in 2008 are not working. It means people in Iceland have, for the past five years, been forced to turn over all foreign currency they earn to the Central Bank of Iceland. It means foreign companies are wary of investing in Iceland, fearful they will never be able to convert their krona into dollars or euro again.
